GRIND - Hard at Work!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving this week!  

I was hard at work outlining my new film titled Grind. The IMDB is up - - along with the first teaser poster and a brief description of the film.


“Grind is a coming of age story that follows Peter and his best friend Reed during a long weekend in South Florida. Peter finds something that doesn't belong to him and after showing Reed the two of them get tangled in an underground world.”


Have a great week everyone! Talk to you soon. 

- Ruben Dario Vasquez

Let There Be a Festival!

So we are almost at the finish line. Except once we cross this finish line we have to start another race, a race full of rejection and money loss. 

What am I talking about? 

Film festival submissions! The thought alone makes me want to cringe. I have always found it funny that most, okay some, but I’d like to think most filmmakers have no money, and the little money they do have has gone into the film they have just made.


So that finish line I talk about is the editing portion of the film, but once that’s done we have to get this f*cking thing into film festivals! And by have to I really mean want to, now a days we really don’t need to screen at film festivals to make an impact, the internet is an amazing thing.

In closing, I would love to see Goodbye! on a big screen, with at least someone other than my mom (joking) seeing it!

As always! Thanks for reading!

- Ruben Dario Vasquez

P.S. Sorry if there are spelling errors, I’m typing this from my phone in a Starbucks!